On Tuesday, July 23, Chair Cupid, Comissioner Richardson, and Comissioner Sheffield Voted to raise your property tax by about 9% over the pleas of the people. Their take is that it's not that much you can afford the additional tax; the county needs your money more than you do! 

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Test Slide

This isn't a blue or red issue! It's a green issue we all share a stake in!

Georgia law mandates millage tax rate rollbacks when property values surge to prevent tax increases. However, property taxes only rise due to votes by your elected officials. We support reasonable taxes but oppose the wasteful spending of tax resources.

who we are

Join the Citizen Revolution Against Unchecked Tax Hikes!

We're not just complaining; we're empowering you to fight back. As a collective of citizen advocates, our mission is crystal clear: we're here to educate and arm you with the tools to challenge those annual tax increases that seem to be the norm.

Our Mission: Empowerment Over Complaints

Tired of the business-as-usual attitude that balloons budgets and leaves you with a bigger tax bill? We're with you. But we go beyond griping—we're on a mission to make meaningful appeals against property valuation hikes and put a halt to the relentless rise in taxes.

Expose Hidden Tactics

Ever heard that your property tax didn't increase, but the value of your home did? It's time to unravel the smoke and mirrors. Cobb County officials might claim innocence, but we're here to reveal the truth. We're not letting them hide behind misleading statements.

Protecting Affordable Housing and Homeownership

Our revolt isn't just about words; it's about action. We refuse to stand by as runaway spending makes housing less affordable and homeownership more elusive. Together, we're taking a stand against the intentional decisions that drive up your taxes.

Knowledge is Power—Share It!

Join us in spreading knowledge and driving citizen engagement. Let's make informed appeals, challenge the status quo, and push back against the notion that tax hikes are inevitable. Together, we can reclaim control and ensure that our voices are heard.

It's Time to Revolt with Purpose

Are you ready to do more than grumble? Let's revolt together, armed with knowledge, determination, and the power of collective action. We're not just citizens; we're advocates for change.

hot tax Topics

What You can Do

Ready to make a difference? Join our peaceful revolt against unabated tax hikes! Stay in the loop and be a part of the change. Learn about numerous proposed tax increases and arm yourself with knowledge.

Concerned about your property's assessed value? Dive into our class on winning valuation appeals. Got questions? We've got answers—ask away!

Curious about your rights? Check out our FAQ on taxpayer Bill of rights and GA law. We're here to empower you!

We're on a mission for fiscal responsibility in Cobb County. Stand with us against unnecessary taxes—because your voice matters. 2024 is the year they listen, and together, we amplify our impact. Courage is contagious—let's spread it!

Join the movement now. We are your neighbors and friends. This effort is 100% driven by citizen volunteers that live here in Cobb county. Your community needs you!
